Ticketmaster informa tutti i fan e clienti che andranno a vedere, dal prossimo 17 settembre 2019 a New York, il Madame X Tour di Madonna che sarà IMPOSSIBILE effettuare qualunque tipo di ripresa all’interno del teatro durante lo show della star.
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Niente telefoni, orologi digitali o apparecchiature di qualsiasi tipo che effettua riprese video o foto. Questa non è una semplice richiesta da parte di Madonna ma una “legge” infatti, chiunque verrà sorpreso ad effettuare foto o riprese video verrà cacciato immediatamente dallo show.
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Quindi dite pure addio alla tecnologia e godetevi lo show, questo è il senso di questa iniziativa promossa da Madonna per il suo Madame X Tour che, ricordiamo, conta ben 79 date nei teatri di mezzo mondo. ll Madame X Tour è l’undicesimo tour della cantante statunitense Madonna, a supporto dell’album Madame X (2019). Si tratta del suo primo tour che si svolge in location diverse da arene e stadi dai tempi del Virgin Tour (1985).
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Ecco il regolamento:
Additionally, Ticketmaster informs their customers that the show will be a phone-free experience, a step that is not completely surprising as it’s increasingly embraced by artists at the venues, but that is certainly something new for an artist such as Madonna who last had a no-cameras policy enforced at her shows during the re-Invention tour, leaving fans free to capture a memory of their concert experience snapping pics at each of her following tours to date.
What’s new this time is that this will not be a simple “no cameras no phones please” polite request from the artist or the promoter, but that the policy will be physically enforced with the use of a new especially designed piece of technology.
As per the Ticketmaster mailout the Madame X Tour a phone-free experience at the BAM show means that:
- Use of cellphones, smart watches, smart accessories, cameras or recording devices will not be permitted in the performance space.
- You need to make note of your seat location prior to entering the building – you will be unable to access your mobile tickets after they are scanned. We suggest making a backup print of your order may be a good idea in case someone is claiming the same seat as yours and avoid mix-ups.
- Anyone seen using a cellphone during the performance will be escorted out of the venue.
To create a phone-free experience, they are using Yondr, a patented system that comprises a mobile phone pouch which closes with a proprietary lock.