Cameron Dallas, l’idolo delle ragazzine che vanta 17 milioni di follower su Instagram, si spoglia e mostra il lato b….
GO WATCH #ChasingCameron on @Netflix Rate it 5 Stars and comment when you’re done ? This has been in my notebook since 10/18/15. Starting from and idea, to pitching it in multiple rooms full of people, to getting it on Netflix is a big accomplishment. I wanted to get this show to help give people a visual on social media, how it’s impacting every industry, how the millennials are making ancillary business’s, and how, over time, influencers are bridging the gap between social media and traditional media. I couldn’t have done this without God, my Family, my Friends, my team, and my Fans. Thank you all of you for everything. This truly means a lot to me and I hope you are at the least entertained ? love you
Una foto pubblicata da Cameron Dallas (@camerondallas) in data: